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Get ready for your cookieless future

The end of the third-party tracking cookie will be a major event for marketers, who will have to learn new ways of working. But you shouldn’t feel despondent. This change brings an opportunity to understand your customers better, and to deliver relevant content in a way that doesn’t infringe on privacy.

2024-06-13 21:00:55


GBI, Industry News

Marketing will still be a data-driven business. Businesses that thrive will be those best able to capture and use zero-party data. And we will have to increasingly think of our marketing efforts within the context of the customer lifecycle. This means sustaining — not just making — relationships and always trying to understand the customer better.

In a cookieless world, marketers will need a thoughtful way to compel customers to go from unknown to know quicker — via proactive consent. Customer Identity becomes central to solving this challenge as registration and login offer a natural location and opportunity to make this change.

Your login box is an essential component in the end-to-end digital customer relationship, which integrates into your Customer Data Platform (CDP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. You gather both first-party and zero-party data as your customers sign up and return using your login box to power your ongoing relationship.

Leverage the Login Box:

• Implement a progressive profiling
• Deploy social login and SSO to get people in the door
• Integrate identity data with other sources
• Reassure customers about trust and privacy
• Add custom logic to boost conversion

A CIAM platform can help you make the connection between your customers' account details and the anonymous activity gathered by your analytics tools, in turn helping you identify trends and marketing opportunities. Your UX goals will become more attainable, making it easier to acquire more customers and, thus, collect valuable new marketing data. And it can protect your business and its customers from the myriad of online identity threats.

The future will require organizations to focus on UX, security, and data management and collection. Okta’s Customer Identity Cloud is designed to meet these needs. Endlessly extensible, with advanced UX and security features built in, it can help you adapt to these changing times. To learn more, click here.