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State of Software Security 2024 Report

Written by Andy Williams | Jun 12, 2024 4:57:48 PM

Key Takeaways:

Security Debt is Endemic & Represents Risk to the Business

  • Software is drowning in security debt. Over 70% of organizations have security debt and nearly half have critical debt. Security debt affects organizations of all sizes, arising from both first and third-party code.

Remediation Capacity is Constrained

  • The report reveals a concerning reality: only 35% of applications demonstrate a sustained capacity to eliminate all critical security debt. ​​This means few teams bail fast ​enough to reverse the tide of ​debt once it starts rising.

Managing Security Debt: Integration & Risk Prioritization Are Key

  • Development teams that fix flaws fastest are four times less likely to let critical security debt materialize in their applications.​ Additionally, the report reveals insights into prioritization for maximum risk reduction.